A PPI letter from Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is a “potentially prejudicial information” letter, also known as a “letter of concern”. When INZ sends you a PPI letter, it gives you notice of harmful information which may affect the outcome of your application.
If you receive a PPI letter, it means that INZ is considering declining your application. Obviously, you should take this letter seriously.
A PPI letter allows the client to comment on INZ’s concerns about their application, before INZ decides the application.
You can respond to a PPI letter by explaining the matters which INZ is concerned about, and also by providing evidence to support your explanation.
INZ’s letter won’t use the term “PPI”, but it will talk about “fairness” and giving you the chance to comment before INZ makes its decision. A PPI letter usually says that if you don’t reply, INZ will decide based on the information it holds.
An RFI letter from INZ is a “request for information” letter. This simply asks you to provide more information or documents, so that INZ can decide your application.
Be careful though … INZ sometimes combines a PPI + RFI letter (meaning they just send one letter containing PPI and RFI) to clients advising that their application does not meet requirements for approval and may be declined. INZ will normally decide your application once you respond to such a letter.
Visa Matters can answer PPI or RFI letters on your behalf – contact us today.